Queensland motorcycle riders coat-hangered by wire fence after taking bike off-road | Daily Mail Online

2022-05-21 03:16:41 By : Ms. Sasha Ye

By Aidan Wondracz For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 00:00 EDT, 13 May 2022 | Updated: 03:07 EDT, 13 May 2022

Two motorcyclists are lucky to be alive after they drove into a wired fence and were ripped off their bike. 

The pair were travelling down a road at Jimboomba in Logan City, south of Brisbane.

Dashcam footage from a car driving behind them showed only the driver was wearing a helmet.

Two motorcyclists are lucky to be alive after they drove into a wired fence and were ripped off their bike

His passenger, wearing sweat pants and a bum-bag, dangled his feet over the sides of the vehicle with his shoes hovering just centimetres from the road.

The motorcyclist was then seen cutting across the opposite lane before heading towards an empty field.

A front fence had been set up around the perimeter of the field with its wiring difficult to see.

The motorbike passed through the fence before the motorcyclists were flung from their vehicle. 

They were seen tumbling to the ground as the bike toppled over onto the grass. 

Footage of the accident was uploaded to Facebook where social media users were unsympathetic.

'They rode* into a fence?? Wtf did they think was going to happen...' one person commented.

Another added: 'Should of gone to spec savers'. 

The motorbike passed through the fence before the motorcyclists were flung from their vehicle

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