Otis was born and raised in a small town in Morton, IL between two pumpkin patches. It’s the Pumpkin Capitol of the World, so there’s that. He...Full Bio
Monkeys on bikes in raincoats... there's probably not a better video to watch today.
A chimpanzee escaped from the zoo to Derzhprom in the Ukraine. It wandered town and enjoyed his freedom for a few hours before zoo officials found him worked on coaxing him back to his home. One zoo keep sat down in the aquare with the monkey and was talking with him when it started raining. That's when she offered her rain coat to the chimp. Of course it's crazy adorable how he puts in on to keep out of the rain.
Later in the videos captured of the monkey escape, the chimp can be seen riding a bicycle, with the help of zoo staff on his way back to the zoo.
This has to be the most adorable thing on the internet today. It's like a Curious George book/episode. You've got to watch this:
You can never lose with animals doing human things. Always cute!