August 19, 2022 | By Harley Schafer
Great outdoor gear at an amazing price: That’s our goal each week. Check out the bargains below and save on gear for your next adventure.
Warmth without weight is what this jacket is designed to provide. The shell and lining are made with DWR-coated, recycled ripstop nylon. 60g Primaloft Silver insulation is made with 70% post-consumer recycled materials. The jacket packs down into its own pocket for easy storage on the trail.
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A bucket hat is a great way to help protect yourself from the elements in style. This hat is made with lightweight cotton for breathable protection from the rain or the sun. It’s available in desert camo, olive, and fuchsia colors.
This tent is designed to be lightweight enough for backpacking trips, and sturdy enough to protect from the elements through three seasons. Half-mesh walls provide some ventilation, while the rain fly and vestibule are designed to keep you and your gear safe from wind and rain.
Harley Schafer is the deals coordinator at Lola Digital Media. Spending time living in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Germany ignited a passion for travel and exploration that has led to a converted Ford van and the open road becoming home.
We found and tested the best camping chairs for every use and budget. Top picks include REI, ALPS, Coleman, and more.
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