You can kill Goliath or cut the head off the dragon, but if you fail to cut the supply of the enemy you will not have enough defenses to protect you, your own supply chain, or your dragon (your attack force) — much less a family.
Disclaimer: If you know the game Risk, you know I simplified the rules for better understanding.
2. Dragons or large forces are represented by the white circle. This is your ability to get ahead. To not merely survive, but win (your means in life).
3. The small blue lines are representing the ideal and best attack line to cut my supply chain. This is pivotal! This is anything holding you back. Mental health, spirituality for those for who believe in spirituality, trauma, lack of skill sets, etc.
If you are the red force seen in the photos and have three territories that each bring in 5 extra troops per round/turn (your supply chain) (which is 15 additional troops on top of (+) your automatic 3 troops per round (for some, this is real estate investment, a job, leasing a home out, and VA compensation and might be your smaller form of income = 18 troops next round) with one “dragon” or “Goliath” I call it (which is a large force on 1 space as seen in the 2nd photo). And the enemy has four territories bringing in 5 extra troops (20 troops next turn in addition to the automatic 3 = 23 troops) you WILL be overwhelmed in just one turn or two. You must take a risk and sacrifice your dragon to slice through their supply as represented by the 3rd photo — the blue lines are what the green team should have striven for a long time ago. The larger the dragon the less damage to your means after a dental visit when your child gets hit the face by a soccer ball in a game.
In the game Risk you only get additional troops if you hold every spot within a territory (let’s say 10 spaces per territory), with the game board having many territories (as seen in the photos) and a minimum of one soldier must be present on each of your spaces. When your dragon of 12 troops (for example) takes one space, you are left with a dragon of 11 now, and so on and so forth. Unexpected losses are also in the game. This is represented by additional medical costs that were not foreseen.
If you are gaining 3 troops per round after battle losses (casualties — or taxes) and they are gaining 6 that means they will have another dragon in like two turns or they will have a large enough force to take the head off your dragon, then you will be cutting no supplies. This is seen in the photos where in my actual game I just sat there and built up 120 troops on 1 space and they had a measly 22 on two spaces. This is also seen in this analogy: A Christian killing their Goliath of let’s say “bad stuff”, but they do not cut association/enemy supply chain (they leave the enemy with the continued supplies to build another opposing force). This is seen in addiction, after a person loses their supply chain (job, community, family, etc) they will fold and give up. In combat that means you will be cornered, surrounded, then captured or killed.
If you can take 8 spots of theirs for example as seen in the 3rd photo while losing a total of 13 casualties, cutting through each of the three territories while you still have your supply chain (four territories) you FORCE them to have to repair each territory instead of attacking your supply barns, with only getting 3 automatic troops that round, so they have to use their dragon (current saving account) to repair problems. You still have 18 troops coming next round just to do it again to them. Then you keep cutting their supply and gaining one space on the board until your dragon has enough fire power to take out all possibilities they have by taking multiple spots in all of the problem’s territories. Which is exactly what I did in the game. One side note: with me having 120 forces on one space, I had enough means to repair my territories, splice through their whole world, and win the game in one turn. This would be someone that 80% of their assets can go to wherever they want and 20% go to bills and such.
I was the first to splice through the enemies conquered territory and so I kept my territories nice and safe — I depleted all hope for them. Soon you will have more territories and they will have 0, just a whole bunch of single spaces (which single spaces are potential they will NEVER have the ability obtain — this is also a representation of prison, poverty, and life altering health).
If you don’t win, you give destruction the torch. Or addictions or poverty
If you need $5,000 but you have no “territories”/qualifications/options/hands-free investments and no dragon/means then it will take knowledge you may not have in order to attain anything additional. Meaning, you are stuck until a good Samaritan comes alongside you. As you will read later, this will never happen in the civilian sector transition. I’m a veteran and I can testify that if you don’t have a solid community/family, absolutely no one will ever help you. Shoot, people don’t even help their neighbors. They give $20 to homeless people and think that’s Christian. The homeless population has a mental health diagnosis percentage of 70%. $20 to purchase pasta from Publix can last for days, whereas $20 bucks with no stove lasts for 1 day. [you’re not helping, you’re just giving yourself a “good Samaritan” neurological chemical reaction thinking you made an impact. However, if you want to help then, pay for cab rides, hospital bills, donate to soup kitchens, job interview clothes, and/or therapy or a life coach]
The principle is the Matthew 25:29 Principle from Jesus Himself, “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” This truth is applied to all life — the health and success of mind, body, and spirit. And this principle is used by Dr Jordan Peterson, Clinical Psychologist. And hundreds of more clinicians.
You must must must cut the supply chain of what problem in your life is keeping you at bay. If it is rewiring from some bad habits, then so be it. If you do not gain ground, the other force is just building a very large dragon in the background that you cannot see (even your spouse will see that your coworkers are rising and you are giving up). Before you know it, boom! You are decimated — flat-lined, and your country now belongs to the enemy or your family to another mother or father. We see this when we learn history. 1776 would not have happened if we were overwhelmed in the principles of life. Kings would have lost their queens and kingdoms if they did not attack perfect targets at the right times to attain and sustain peace.
What is your Goliath attaining because you are holding what little you have back?
In my game I did not have a lot when I purged forward the first time (but I had enough and hit the right target, and that is also a different topic for another day). As you can see the above Risk game, it was chill after the red took a leap of faith. They sacrificed and they obeyed the rule to win. This is also called investing. After the red’s position was secured they just sat and collected on gained territories, so their ONLY job at that point was splicing through the green’s four territories to ensure their plethora of supplies. Their purge only took only 2% of their dragon/supplies, while it took the life of the green and the green lived paycheck by paycheck. Everything the red gained was profit increase — a conquered territory you can say is loan paid off, investment, owned franchise, etc.
My game was chill after I got my dragon to 60 strong. I could have retired at that time, “sold everything”, and just won the game and retired to the mountains or my own private beach. But, I took the time to continue gaining. I will always gain, so I can give to others. I change people’s lives. And I always will. I do NOT gain for me.
In your military transition, what position do you find yourself? This is the civilian sector, it is dog-eat-dog regardless of your belief system. If you have a family you are blessed, if you have found yourself holding a few territories you are blessed because only the successful in the civilian sector will ever keep either one of those — much less have both, a happy family and wealth. In this sector, nothing is automatic. Everything is fought for. It is natural selection and as a human if you are healthy in mind, body, and spirit you have the choice to fight harder and win the interview.
In the military you were given gear for your life (war) and everyone looked pretty much the same. Out here your military gear is not only under fashion and cheap, but you pay for it (my military pants I use to buy were like $60 and I used them for every activity, my hiking pants now are $160 and I cannot wear them to work and would not wear them where they are not relevant). Your rain jacket was free, out here a nice rain jacket will be $80 minimum — you can bet your future spouse will have a jacket and footwear for every season and every public setting already and all you have are a pair dirty jeans for the weekend and a suit that looks like you sown it yourself. And the trench coat you had for your dress uniform is about 20% of the cost of an average one out here — and our military trench coat if hung beside civilians would look like you paid $15. But, you can use the military dress uniform as a reference of what civilian stuff to buy while you are still in the military. Prepare before you get out.
Homes. In the military you had a “housing office” or if you were single, just given a room for your entire career. You even had a financial officer you could have taken advantage of. Also, sergeants were there 24/7 to ask about life situations — some knew what they were talking about. Out here there is NO ONE that will help you for free. I don’t care what group you are in — I say that in FULL confidence and 100% firsthand experience. You get what you pay for. A good business executive coach out here makes almost 6 figures a year (I said good, not Mr. Joe Schmoe “I did coding on Facebook once and won an entry level job interview out of 3 not-qualified candidates”). You will not have the money for all the services you need out here — unless you lower quality.
I want people to have great quality services!
Let’s get you prepared for war out here! And not that regular military gear, let’s get you some freaking Special Operation gear!
My military transition felt like I had to learn everything in life all over again. In my first five years out of the service I had spent for a financial adviser, certifications, took time out of work and spent months researching business, took time from friends and family to volunteer for a year at a nonprofit just to learn, and more. I have been out for a decade now and still need to pay for two large things including a public speaking class. The rest of my living existence will be spent making an impact in mind, body, and spirit because there is no one else here for you who is really worth much, in regards to military transitions + the whole person. I say no one else because even now my brain is regressing and no one has offered jacksh**. I still earn absolutely everything and so will you.
So take a look at the photos again long and hard; tell me what the green player is going to get from the red.
The red is taking everything. Gravity has never rewound time for you or gave mercy in any millisecond for 24/hrs. a day, 365 days a year since God put physics in charge.
This is the root of why a lot women run after guys with money. Although, there is a mountain of other information to sift through, the women don’t. No man is going to say “no” to an easy catch, but the divorce rate proves that type of thought process (chasing men with money) doesn’t work.
I understand that women just want to be secure and a lot of good guys have zip-zero, but that’s why I wrote this. It’s always possible to get ahead.
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I love psychological sciences, humor, economics, family/relationship psychology, & business. Small companies CEO. Creative writer, no BS.
Joshua J. Lyon, BSQP, CNP