Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Slight chance of a rain shower. Low 66F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy skies early will give way to cloudy skies late. Slight chance of a rain shower. Low 66F. Winds light and variable.
Drummers play in tune with one another during the celebration of last year’s Trail of Tears Pow Wow.
A junior dancer takes part in the celebration last year.
Part of a tribe gathers together before entering celebration last year at the 34th annual Trial of Tears Pow Wow in Hopkinsville.
Drummers play in tune with one another during the celebration of last year’s Trail of Tears Pow Wow.
A junior dancer takes part in the celebration last year.
Part of a tribe gathers together before entering celebration last year at the 34th annual Trial of Tears Pow Wow in Hopkinsville.
There are many events around town this week for the community to attend.
Every year, on the first full weekend after Labor Day, the Trail of Tears Commission sponsors an intertribal Pow Wow at the park. A Pow Wow is a gathering of Native American people to celebrate their rich heritage, to socialize with old friends and make new ones. It is also an opportunity to expose non-Indians to centuries old traditions of various dances, Native American crafts, and to educate Pow Wow visitors with storytelling and Indian lore demonstrations.
On Saturday, Sept. 10 and Sunday, Sept. 11, the annual Trail of Tears Pow Wow will be held for the 35th year.
The community is welcomed both days from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.
There will be over $25,000 in prize money this year with presentations, traditional and fancy dances, tributes, instrument playing, food, and so much more.
Admission for adults will be $10, children ages 7-12 are $5, kids 6 and under are admitted free entrance.
Trail of Tears Historian Keistina Scott expressed happiness on the return of the Indian Pow wow.
“We welcome everybody to come out and have a good time.
“We have a traveler coming from Canada that will be in attendance this year. She will be presenting TP’s Plain Indians once used for shelter.
“Also on both days, our heritage center will be open for the little ones to join in craft days from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. This will be free for the kids to attend but donations are greatly appreciated. We will have many crafts from face paintings, feather hangings and many more crafts inside the cabin. This year will be a great time for the community to attend and we look forward seeing everybody come out,” said Scott
This historic park is one of the few documented sites of the actual trail and campsites used during the forced removal of the Cherokee people to “Indian Territory”. It was used as an encampment in 1838 and 1839. This park is the burial site for two Cherokee Chiefs.
The Trail of Trails brings people of all ages out to enjoy the festival and to remember those who once settled in Hopkinsville.
Visit Hopkinsville’s Executive Director, Brooke Jung also expressed excitement for this year’s Trail of Tears Indian Pow Wow.
“We are so excited about this meaningful and insightful event held in our community. We give thanks for each tribute being paid. We welcome visitors across the country as well as our locals to join in the festivities this weekend,” said Jung.
The weather calls for rain this weekend so be sure to wear your raincoat and rain boots. This weekend will be full of celebration whether the rain comes down or passes over. The community is welcomed to join the historic grounds for another annual celebration.
Learn more history about the Trail of Tears online:
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