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The Shakopee Browns’ have agreed to come Sunday and play ball with the Grays. This may be one of the most interesting games of the season. Admission is 15 cents.
Council proceedings of August 4th. – C.H. Westerman, T.J. Kelley and C.H. Casey appeared and asked that steps be taken to furnish the inhabitants in the northern part of the city with better fire protection by constructing several wells or cisterns and to buy several lengths of new rubber hose. The council appropriated $45 to the fire department. H. Ohmen was appropriated $15 for running the ferry in July. The council will meet August 10 to investigate and choose a proper location for new wells or cisterns in the northern part of the city. C. Roderig, clerk.
Brick manufacturer Smail is burning the first kiln of his ‘99 brick. Each brick was made under cover with no weather to damage them. He has purchased a new machine which takes the clay in at one end and clean-cut brick comes out of the molds at the other end. The machine has a capacity of 60,000 bricks a day.
The Saint Benedict congregation is putting in a furnace to heat the church. Busch Brothers are doing the work.
Anderson’s work crew will start work today on a new tile walk on both sides of the Kohls and Berens block occupied by Moses and Edelman.
An elegant double deck showcase, the product of Hougard’s factory, now graces the front of Casey’s store. It is used to display his fine line of silverware and is very handsome.
“The Club,” a whole-souled, sociable and entertaining group championed by Henry Fischer and Andrew Erkens, Jr., will give a ball at Nicolin’s Opera House on August 15.
A tornado swept through Shakopee, Prior Lake and New Market, doing a lot of damage in some areas. The tornado was followed by a very severe rain and hail storm.
The social harvest ball and picnic Sunday given the in the Opera House was a complete success. Henry Payne played the piano, Al Hagie on violin, Will Varner, coronet and Peter Iltis on clarinet furnished splendid music.
There will be a Grand Sweepstake Shoot of the gun club of the county in Jordan on Sunday, August 17.
Two baseball games with Belle Plaine last Sunday. The first was the younger Ramblers against the B.P. Governors. The Ramblers got discouraged playing, lost interest and lost the game 10-4. In the second game the older boys played a snappy game and the Grays best the Tigers 8-3.
The Ironmolders excursion was successful with over 1,200 people filling seventeen coaches on the train last Sunday morning. Festivities and events continued until 7 p.m. when the train returned to Minneapolis. Both hotels report they had their “hands full” waiting to feed the crowd of several hundred hungry people at each meal.
The Grays will go to New Prague on Sunday to do a diamond battle with the valiant base abilities of their team.
Peter Ritschel takes a position tonight as night operator of the Omaha Station, having successfully passed the final examinations. Night operator Rosendahl goes to Merriam.
The Scott County Bank is making a substantial improvement to its property by building a curb wall to the creek. F.H. Juergens’ property is also building a wall out of sandstone.
Marshall Darlington was injured last week when his turn of horses went into a runaway mode. He’s in New Prague hospital and slowly recovering.
Tuesday members of the Jordan High Class of 1942 held a reunion with 33 members attending at Hollywood Inn at Spring Lake. Robert Breunig is President and some members are Cy Hennen, W.M. Liebbrand, Robert Nachbar, Gene Schmitt and James Wolfran.
Every boy who intends to go out for football is urged to attend a meeting at 7 p.m. August 18th. First practice is August 19th.
Jordan and Belle Plaine began the best 2 of 3 game battle for the MRL Division title at Belle Plaine last night. The second game will be Friday, August 15 in Jordan at 7 p.m. Cheer them on!
Motorists were detoured on Highway 169 when a lot of rain fell last week. The ditches were inadequate to the rush of water and water was said to be three feet deep near the Plummer and Coghill farms.
Sister M. Vincent was here to visit her mother Mrs. Anna Wolf and her sisters and brothers in the area.
Filler Variety Store has NYLONS in all the newest fall shades for $1.00 a pair or 3 pair for $2.79.
There was not a hot day in the past week in Scott County – no day over 78 degrees and cool nights. Grain harvest is nearly finished only three days were without consistent rain. Some ditches and brooks were swollen, but grain harvest not hurt. One rain gauge recorded 2” of rainfall.
The first large event of the Holy Cross Father of their Novitate (the former Mudbaden) will take place Friday, August 15th, when thirty-one young men will arrive with two lay brothers. One Saturday the men will take their first vow with a reception to follow.
A freak accident early last Sunday morning took the life of a 51-year-old man John Baker, from Wisconsin, who was asleep on a bed of newspapers on the bank of Highway 169 near the Roland Hessing farm two miles southwest of Jordan.
A car driven by Mr. LeRoy from Nebraska was traveling south when headlight blinded him and he lost control of the auto. He went off the road through a ditch and crashed into a bank. The impact rolled the car and it landed on the top of Mr. Baker, killing him. Mr. Baker, having no kin, was buried in Spirit Hill Cemetery on Tuesday.
The Brewers 16-2 win over the Prior Lake Lakers advances Jordan who now will battle it out with Belle Plaine for division champion.
Mrs. Lara W. Leibbrand, 79, of Jordan died at Mala Strana Nursing home in New Prague, Aug. 13. Mrs. Leibbrand was born at Belle Plaine May 8, 1893, to John Wesley and Anna (Burmeister) Lough. June 1925, she married Chester D. Leibbrand. Internment at Spirit Hill Cemetery.
The Scott County Farm Bureau picnic will be held at the park in Jordan, Aug. 26th, beginning at 12:30 p.m. Bring one or two things to share, your own dishes and silverware.
A bit of advice from Dave Hart, Scott County extension agent: tomatoes can be picked any time after they turn pink – they’ll ripen just as well off the vine. But, once they are fully ripe, pick them immediately to prevent disease and insect problems.
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary this week: Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Simones, Aug. 19; Mr. and Mrs. Geno Taddei, Aug. 23; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf, Aug. 25 and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mornson, Aug. 26.
Summer clearance sale ad for Sandy’s Apparel sale at 125 E. 1st St. Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lambrecht, Joyce, Dennis and Robert, returned Sunday from a five day, 1,200 mile trip on the North Shore drive.
Fourteen Jordan girl scouts from cadette troop 156 biked out to Camp Pa-Hu-Ca the weekend of July 15th for an overnight camping trip. The girls are working on their explorer badge and the purpose of the trip was to fulfill one of the requirements which was to plan and carry out a weekend camping trip, using bicycle transportation. Jane Klehr was their leader.
Let the 1992 Minnesota State Amateur baseball tournament begin tonight at the dual sight parks in Jordan and Belle Plaine tonight! Opening ceremony will begin at 5:45 p.m. The Jordan Veterans Color Guard will present the colors and the Minnesota state flag and the United States flag, both of which flew over the capitol, will be raised while Jerry Langsweirdt sings the national anthem. Jordan’s mayor, Bob Cully, will give the official openings to fans and players.
The Jordan Girl scouts and Jordan Boy scouts volunteered two nights to give the decorative iron bridge at the entrance of the Mini Met a fresh coat of green paint. They scraped, sanded and painted.
Lawrence and Diane Jabs will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with an open house on Sunday, August 2, from 1-5 p.m. at St. Paul’s Lutheran fellowship hall.
The Jordan Brewers ended the section playoffs with a 5-3 record. Jordan will play Mabel in the state tournament in Jordan at 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning. The Brewers will enter state tournament overall play with a .299 hitting average. Jon Beckman (.389), followed by Dave Hentges, (.373); Ron Beckman (.362); and Jerry Chapman, (.311).
Looking Back is compiled by the Jordan Historical Society. For more information, email
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